Spaceman Delta II Harmonic Tremolo

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Spaceman Delta II Harmonic Tremolo

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Spaceman Delta II Harmonic Tremolo


Get my Guitar found the latest prices on the Spaceman Delta II Harmonic Tremolo.

The Delta II is a small form factor harmonic tremolo, with smooth organic tone. Harmonic tremolo is achieved by splitting the input signal into high and low frequency bands, and amplitude modulating them in opposite directions. As the low frequencies pass, the highs are cut, and as the highs fade back into the mix, the lows sink below the horizon. Since one of the frequency bands is always passing, it's less choppy than typical for trem. Morph between harmonic and traditional tremolo with the innovative LAG control, which introduces a variable offset between the LFO's dual outputs. Combined with the Delta II's unique voices, this makes for great swirling, phasey tones with endless rhythmic possibilities.


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