
Get my Guitar Found you the Latest Prices Below

  • Get my Guitar found the latest prices on the Fender Nylon Picks, 351 Shape - 12 Pack | Gray.

    Experience the classic feel of Fender no matter what guitar or bass you play. Fender picks provide comfort and high-performance flexibility for every performer, with a variety of sizes, shapes and thicknesses to suit the playing styles and preferences of every guitarist. Fender U.S.-made nylon picks offer an improved non-slip, tactile gripping surface. They're a popular pick style for all playing levels. Offered in six different thicknesses. 351 Shape, Nylon, .73 mm (12) | Fender Nylon Picks, 351 Shape - 12 Pack | Gray
  • Get my Guitar found the latest prices on the Fender Wavy Checkerboard 351 Celluloid Picks (8).

    Featuring a wavy checkerboard pattern, these celluloid picks provide a traditional feel and a warm, round musical tone. The traditional 351 shape, our most popular pick design, is a perfect accessory for players of versatile styles and techniques. 351 Celluloid Picks, Checkerboard, (8) | Fender Wavy Checkerboard 351 Celluloid Picks (8)

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